
Attune to Universal Energy

Learning Reiki


When you learn Reiki as a healing technique, you are attuned to its frequency through initiation by a Reiki Master Teacher.  Reiki healing is traditionally taught in three levels. Between Level 2 and 3, is a path of unfolding and self growth so  if you choose to serve as Reiki Master, you have done your internal work as you walk the path. The relationship is lifelong, and I am always available to you, as are other lineage holders, though you are free to stay in touch or not!  If we have not already met, I require that we talk before we take the final decision to take a class with me.

Each level is taught in a 6-8 hour theory and practice workshop, usually on one day. Class size is 1-5. Light snacks, meal and a practitioner manual is given, written by Taveta Grant and updated annually by me, as more information  is unearthed, as the world energies and our own personal energy signature changes. A 21-day online mentoring follows, and then a Reiki share and certificate ceremony where you meet others of the lineage. All lineage holders are encouraged to attend any classes they’ve already taken, to hold sacred space. There is no cost to attend again – except bringing a snack or dish to share! I hold monthly Reiki shares and weekly meditation meetings that you can attend with love donation.

Reiki Level 1  attunes a person to channel Reiki energy to heal themselves or others with laying hands on the physical body or above it, at the aura at various points. It provides you with a daily routine of connecting your mind, body, life and soul to happiness and Universal Love, and introduces you to the power of intent and the means of using universal energy and not your personal energy in healing sessions and in life situations.

Reiki Level 2  provides symbols that empower you to flow into timeless space to  help heal yourself and others. They may be near you or far away, and the events can be in the present, past or future. Your intuition begins to open, and you learn to sense your role in the world.

Advanced Reiki Training [ART]  launches you on the path to be a Reiki Master. You feel a commitment to live your life in a more conscious way of serving humanity.  This can take a year of learning energy systems, self-discovery, walking the shadows, and moving away from the limiting forces of fear, anger and blame. Courses can be taken with self-study or with other teachers. In the workshop, the Master symbol is given.

Reiki Level 3 or Reiki Master enhances the practice and teaches how to attune others. You are initiated into symbols that invoke the energy needed to attune.

Follow your inner guidance, and if your heart smiles at the thought of becoming initiated into Reiki with me, Email or fill form below for a healing session or workshop.

Learning Reiki -Registration Form

Reiki Workshop Testimonials

What is Reiki?

‘Reiki’  is universal energy and Reiki healing is a technique that helps to use it to balance the  energy of self or others by laying hands a little above or on various places in the body. Reiki energy can also be transmitted remotely by healers who channel this universal energy.  Reiki healing is usually seen as a complementary or alternative healing method.

Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words – Rei [universal] and Ki [Energy]. Being universal, Reiki has always been here. It is always within us and we are within its flow. However, in our everyday life, we may not be able to access it or be aware of it. Classes and healing sessions with Reiki help to clear the blocks that prevent us from this awareness.

Reiki comes from the highest, purest source. Its source is Love which we can call God, the Divine, the Creator  or any other word you use to describe the indescribable.

Reiki is beyond duality i.e. it is both masculine and feminine and helps us to transcend the world of light and dark, good and bad to universal love.

The wonder of this energy is, that when we connect to it, we are healed. The meaning of healing as used here is not just ‘absence of ailment or imbalance’ but presence of love and happiness in our life. Reiki has come into this world to connect us to the Love that brings us into this world.

Reiki has its own intelligence. It flows where it is needed,  with the strength that is required for each person and situation. It can therefore do no harm. It can transform, change, respond, and clear, but once attuned to it, you may find yourself seeing the world in a completely different way.


What are the benefits of Reiki attunement?

You become a channel for Reiki which transforms your daily life and provides you with a method of healing self or others.

You may find that you do not get tired doing your daily tasks, or no longer waste energy in unnecessary worry or anxiety.  Physical, mental and emotional ailments can get treated, and you feel a sense of calm and peace even when you are not actively practicing Reiki. This can happen immediately or over time.

Reiki level 1

Light of Reiki touches a friend

Three healers awake

What Reiki Can Do 

  • Allow you to become more aware of your deepest desires.
  • We are always manifesting our deepest desires: what a waste if we don’t know what they are!
  • Help the healer and the recipient to benefit from a Reiki session.
  • As it flows through a healer to a recipient or healee, the Reiki energy heals them both.
  • Help us to tap into the inexhaustible supply of universal energy
  • This allows us to go about our daily activities energetically but without a build-up of suppressed exhaustion, resentment, or disenchantment.
  • Help to enhance your work
  • Reiki can help to increase creativity of thought and action.
  • Help you to enhance the benefits of meditation or other spiritual practice
  • By helping us to stay clear and stable, Reiki can help to clear blocks in spiritual experience
  • Regular practice of Reiki helps you to transform yourself and thus, the situations in your life.
  • Reiki helps us to de-stress. For both practitioner and recipient, the Reiki energy helps to clear stressful toxins.

Stress is not in itself harmful. It is the natural response of the body and psyche to outside stimuli. Whether we are walking, exercising, singing, dancing, or talking, there is stress as the body and emotions work against opposing forces. As this is not distressing, we do not call it stress. This level of stress is an inevitable factor in human living, for zero stress is achievable only at death.
When the level of stress reaches distress, there is a build-up of toxins in the system. This is what we commonly call “stress”. The stress-turned-distress needs to be cleared. Stress ‘may speed up cell ageing’

Flow into Wholeness~ Expand into Universality

When we become aware of Reiki, ego begins its expansion into universality.
What do we mean when we say Reiki is “universal”?

      • We mean that Reiki is energy that is inclusive of all: all outward manifestations of color, race, country, gender, age, and whatever distinguishes each of us from the other.
      • The universality of Reiki also means that it includes all our deepest beliefs, faiths, desires.
      • We acknowledge that as we channel and receive Reiki, it begins to transform every aspect of our lives.
      • Reiki is universal in its being – it always was, and always will be. It is always around us.

O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom
O Hidden Light, shining in every creature
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness
May all who feel themselves as one with Thee
Know they are therefore one with every other.
-Annie Besant

What is different about Reiki now vs what it was since the dawn of time?

Though Reiki has always been present, acting to heal life forms; it has been discovered in the last century, as the world was ready for it to be disseminated in the material world.

Now, humans have discovered how to access the Reiki energy to utilize it.
Master Mikao Usui discovered a way to pass on the healing aspects of Reiki. Others helped to formalize the methods he used, in order that it can be passed on to large numbers of healers.
Reiki Masters and practitioners can now, by their actions, bring their ego and the ego of students and receivers to awareness of this ethereal energy.

It is spirit made manifest! Reiki – Light Made Manifest [link out of site; press Back button to return]

Remember:we are not humans having a spiritual experience, but Spirit having a human experience. ~Teilhard de Chardin

Belief in REIKI

  • Is it necessary to believe that REIKI works for it to be effective?

Reiki is a natural energy and follows its own laws. Whether or not we understand or believe in the wind, it’ll ruffle our hair if we step in its path!

Reiki is not rooted in ego , the brain or its processes. It works whether or not we believe in it.

  • But why would a person come for a healing session or learn Reiki if they do not believe in it?

It has been noticed that sometimes, when they are offered Reiki, people who have not heard about it before, or read about it, spontaneously accept it [or not!]. Even in their case, Reiki works. This is because Reiki does not depend on the personality of the healer or the recipient. It flows clear and pure, directed by the higher selves of each.
Of course, they will consciously feel more at ease, once they believe!

  • But isn’t it true that sometimes Reiki just doesn’t work?

We often recognize a problem only when it has reached our physical or emotional bodies. So we feel Reiki is working only if a pain goes away, a tumor cleared, or a relationship problem solved. While people have reported such wonderful results with Reiki, sometimes there is nothing perceptible that happens after a session; except for a feeling of relaxation. One wonders: did Reiki work?

There can be several reasons why a physical or emotional symptom is not removed after a Reiki session:

Reiki energy is intuitive and efficient. It seeks out the root cause of the physical symptom. The roots of our physical illnesses usually lie in imbalances in our energy field. These have been documented in several studies. Reiki flows where it is needed most, ensuring that blocks are removed to prevent future problems.

Sometimes, it may take several sessions for the issue to be resolved. A group of three is sometimes recommended for the first time.

Just as a human body can have an invasion of bacteria that is detected only when the body has a fever; in the same way, imbalances in our energy fields are detected by us only when they reach our body or emotions. Yet the problem is not the fever, but the inability of the body to fight the invasion. In the same way, the physical symptom is the result of the real problem; it is not the problem in itself. In fact, it is usually a wonderful opportunity for the person to seek help!

People with physical symptoms usually seek holistic therapies like Reiki when traditional forms of healing are not entirely providing the results that they require. Reiki works seamlessly with traditional medicine, and is now used in hospitals as well. This enables the recipient to seek the removal of energy blocks; so that their own healing energy can flow more freely.

Reiki always works! As we grow in intuition and clarity, this becomes more perceptible to us.

Light of Reiki touches a friend

Three healers awake