Getting to know each other ~ Getting to know self

Why are we on earth?

Are we only on earth?

Why are we in this physical body?

Are we only in this physical body?

Who is   ‘We’

Who  is ‘I’?

Do we meet only through physical space and cyberspace?

Through physical space we sense each other’s physical form

Through cyberspace we sense each other’s mind form

Through etheric space we sense each other’s energy signature of thought, emotion, presence, absence

Through sacred space we sense each other’s etheric and higher dimensional energy signatures.

Maybe that is why we are on earth. So that we can see some of the forms that each of us take. So that we can choose the ways to interact.

Maybe we are on earth in physical, cyber, etheric and sacred space to act, imagine and know the intrinsic symphony of our harmonic vibrations.

Now, when you meditate, you know who is in that sacred space with you.

When you are alone, you know who is in that sacred space with you.

When you are in physical space with friends, you know who is also in the etheric, cyber and sacred spaces with you.

varsol1[1]We are all interconnected. What is important in our journey to wholeness, is to learn how to keep our energy grounded, centered and expanded; our energy signature clear, our interactions harmonious.

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