Who do you think you are (ˆ◡ˆ) this eclipsed morn and moonless night

When we fought as children, sometimes one would ask another; Who do you think you are?

It was always felt as a put-down. It was heard as “You are not as great as you think you are.” or”You think you are too great. Well, you are now.” Or even “Don’t think you’re the cat’s whiskers”.

So I ask you today – Who do you think you are and there is no question mark there, because this is not a question with a neat answer. There is no answer to this question that is so complete, so right, so neat that it can end in a period.  For this is not even a question. This is words attempting to describe the indescribable.

Yes, no answer to ‘Who do you think you are’ can end in a period. Yet the answer to this phrase is just that.





And from the tremendous silence of that I AM.

In the sacred silence of tonight’s  moonless night, in the eclipsing of our sun and the dawning of the most celebratory day and night of Deepavali, as you go about your daily activities, your daily getting-into-sync-with-Gaia, your daily breathing, let this thought weave in and out of the fabric of the  ordinary and extraordinary moments of your day

Who do I think I AM (ˆ◡ˆ)

Connect to the Healer Within ~ NOW

Sun eclipse

Nov 3rd is New Moon, the moonless night
There is a partial and total solar eclipse
Indians and friends everywhere will celebrate Diwali
Millions worldwide will be praying, meditating, celebrating. Very powerful energy.
A beautiful time to tune in to self with prayer ties
connect to the elements
Bring in the light of the hoops

Make your prayer ties

Turn the light on – becoming more aware

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