This wonderful day

Today is Equinox. The celestial, divine, human balance. 

International Day of Smile

International Day of Peace.

Rosh Hashanah



Waxing moon

Such wonderful energies in the world today. In your meditation, connect to them. Receive them. Absorb fully. Radiate to all.

Gratitude to Professor Park Jae Woo for creating this image of Origin Smile: the energy that created this world, the particle presence that is our essence

In my I am Gratitude Medicine group, I’m s​tarting a round of 21 days of sharing the gratitude that just emerges in my heart. Automatically. 🌷

Today I found myself saying- Thank you! The electricity is finally back.  Rosh Hashanah and Navaratri blessings! And even while it was away, there were no creepy crawly creatures in our home! May they stay away!


And a prayer arose: May all who are in pain receive sustenance. May all beings be blessed.🙏

Journey in Wholeness


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