You…are not your (pain) body

Are you ready to shed your pain body? Our essence is smile, so we seek to remove pain when we feel it. But sometimes, when our smile consciousness is not awake, we become attached to our pains and wear them like a cloak.
Every event in our life that we don’t understand or which distresses us, has to first encounter this filter of pain.
This shroud of pain becomes thick, like a body, like an illusionary reality.
The pain body becomes stronger and stronger and we can begin to feel victimized.
We lose awareness of soul and even feel it is the soul that is in pain.

pain body
You…are NOT your pain body.
The soul is in smile.
Reach it.
You are soul expressing itself in thought, emotions, chemistry and physiology, in your actions and choices.
Why get caught in delusion?

The beauty is, that soul expresses its smile so easily. Feel your eyes smiling and immediately your brain begins to wake up. Your emotions harmonize.
Feel your nose smiling and you begin to breathe better, heart becomes lighter, you expand into the brightness of unconditional love.
Lift your lips into a smile and your belly releases its tension. All the organs receive fresh energy for healing.

For the lightbringer who intends to participate in the ascension of the world, It is not difficult to release a pain body, but it takes resolve because of this little secret the pain body is hiding: once it takes over our consciousness, pain attracts pain
“Your pain’ becomes “my pain”.

The person becomes hungry for pain, to prove that s/he is right to feel it. That s/he is the victim. That s/he is weak.

Healers and coaches can help by first connecting them quickly to the smile essence.and then walking the path to clear the pain. First diving deeper into pain, feeling it is more real than the smile, does not help. It keeps strengthening the illusion, the feeling that we are powerless.
“Who am I?” This is the realisation: we are love. We are smile. We are one.
Truth is simple. Is it difficult to think simple? Not difficult but yes – it can take time.

Are you ready to wake up?
Are you ready to ground so you can soar?
In loving light
Meenakshi 🌟
©2020 Meenakshi Suri
Creative Commons License.
This writing can be shared with no additions, deletions or charges, and all copyright information intact.