Dealing with growing pains

ppRemember you wanted to grow, expand, ascend.
Well, this is what it feels like! Breathe, pause, rest, use the tools you have been given; but don’t stop if it’s uncomfortable. Remember, you’ve done it before – in childhood, when every day the world changed because you were inches taller. Every week, then every month, then every year clothes had to be changed because they seemed to shrink, and not fit any more. Every year the class changed, you kept learning. Did you think growing pains ended with childhood?

If you’re still feeling the pain of change and growth take heart in knowing that childhood may be past, but you are still growing. Not so obviously as in childhood, but now, in more subtle, yet no less amazing ways.
You are growing into yourself, and there is help when you need it.

If you’re being stretched to breaking point, breathe and grow into the stretch.
If you’re losing a grip on your life, breathe and extend your reach to those willing to assist you.
Remember, you studied, attended workshops, got attuned, experienced holistic healing. All this has changed your energy signature. What you are attracting to yourself, what you are giving out, what you are manifesting, what you are not – all are influenced. Your body, mind, spirit, life are all in flux, aligning to a new vibration.

Enjoy this journey. It is wild, it is breathtaking, it is more adventurous and intimate than anything you will ever experience in this three-dimensional world. For what you are doing, is journeying inter-dimensionally.
Meenakshi Suri

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2 thoughts on “Dealing with growing pains

  1. Recently I came across a person using a medicine for sleeping, later I found the same thing is simply provided by our pineal gland at the correct time for us to sleep at the correct time.


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